Message from the Provost
In October, the University of Wisconsin-Madison was reaccredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools for another 10-year period.
This is a clear tribute to our public research institution, our culture and our traditions. Just as importantly, it is a credit to our campus community. The effort involved more than 6,000 individuals who in some way engaged in the process, and more than 300 people campuswide who worked on theme teams as part of our rigorous self-study process.
This was demanding, thoughtful and forward-looking work. It yielded a tremendous roadmap for our future and helped build and strengthen our strategic plan. Our work gave us a living document that will inform our decisions going forward for years to come.
It was a transparent and inclusive process that gave voice to some innovative ideas - bold ideas - that will ensure that this university remains strong and vibrant well into the future.
Our core values and the traditions of UW-Madison are reflected in the outcome of this reaccreditation. We have much to be proud of as we move forward to achieve our mission as a great public university.
My hope is that rather than seeing reaccreditation as an end, we see it as a beginning. We have learned much throughout the process and have reaffirmed our commitment to those ideals that have defined us in the past. Our challenges for the future include a strong commitment to our core values while recognizing that much has changed in our world. We must not only adapt to these changes, but more importantly, we must lead. We recognize that our strength is derived from a common vision to serve the public, one that will allow us to build on our pre-eminence in teaching, research and outreach.
Congratulations to the entire campus on achieving this milestone. Our collective work and dedication to the mission of UW-Madison have defined our near- and far-term goals, while giving focus and direction to our pathway into the future. Again, congratulations and thank you.
Paul M. DeLuca, Jr.
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs